
CaliExams are beneficial to all performers, as the aim is to improve overall Calisthenics technique.
The CaliExams Program is designed for performers who wish to focus on their
personal skill development and further their calisthenics technique. The program
has been designed to suit all levels of performers and provides the ability for
performers to challenge themselves and strive for continued development and
The CaliExams Framework has been designed by Calisthenics Victoria. Performers are required to learn set routines using correct technique and
knowledge of the terminology used within the calisthenics syllabus.
At Pentland, CaliExams are a prerquisite to participation in the solo program –
calisthenic solo/duo/trio or graceful.
Recommended minimum ages for CaliExams are as follows:
Standard Stream:
Foundational 1 & 2: 5+
Developmental 1 & 2: 7+
Advanced 1 & 2: 9+
Elite Stream:
Emerald – elite Juniors+
Ruby – elite Intermediates+
Sapphire – elite Seniors+
Diamond – top level Seniors
Coaches will review the syllabus and recommend the appropriate stream and level for individual performers. Performers can commence at any level and there is no pre-requisite to complete lower levels before attempting a higher one.
In 2024 preparation classes for Foundational Levels will commence in April with
the examination period to be held in June. Preparation classes for Developmental and Advanced Levels will commence in October with the examination period to be held in November/December.